Many homes within ECHO were originally constructed with a lead water service line leading from the water main to the connection point inside the home. While most of these have been replaced as part of a remodeling or teardown project, dozens of lead service lines remain in place throughout our neighborhood and those nearby. Having a lead service line does not necessarily mean you will have lead in your water, but it does indicate that you may be at greater risk if your lead service line is disrupted. The City of Naperville’s water supply remains safe and tests below minimum acceptable lead levels. However, the EPA continues to state that there is no safe level of exposure to lead.
In May 2021, the Illinois General Assembly passed HB 3739, the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act. This bill has been sent to the Governor and is expected to become law this summer. In preparation for compliance, the City of Naperville is performing additional research and planning. After the Act is signed and becomes effective, it will require all lead service lines within Naperville to be replaced within 15 years, with a minimum of 7% replaced each year (20-24 homes). In nearly all cases, the entire service line must be replaced.
Generally, lead service line replacement will take place at the same time water mains are replaced. City staff are expected to propose a standalone lead service replacement program for areas not scheduled for water main replacement, subject to approval by City Council.
After the passage of water protection legislation in 2016, the City was required to create a lead service line inventory. The City has recently learned that lead water service lines were not prohibited in Naperville until 1960; originally, the local prohibition was thought to have taken place in 1930. A searchable online map has been created to show whether a home is known to have a lead service line, viewable at
To view the recent City Manager’s Memorandum with more details on HB 3739 and the City’s plans to comply, visit
The City of Naperville offers a Lead Rebate Program! Up to $4,250 is available to a homeowner upon completion of lead service line replacement. For more information, visit or call the City at (630) 420-4122.
Posted: October 6, 2023 by Marybeth Box
2023 ECHO Annual Meeting
Here is your opportunity to improve the lifestyle of living in the East Central Homeowners Organization area by volunteering to serve on the ECHO Board of Directors. The Board of Directors’ goals are neighborhood updates and meeting our wonderful neighbors.
The annual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 7 p.m. at the Community Room of Nichols Library.
This year has been our most successful in social activities. The Social Committee’s Friday Happy Hour has seen attendance of twenty-five to forty carefree members enjoying conversation and refreshments. The first Happy Hour was May 19th then June 10th followed by July 27th, August 18th and September 15th. Our final Happy Hour of the year is October 20th. The ECHO Street Block Party on September 9th was well attended with delicious Mexican catered food and a live band.
The Civic Affairs Committee is working with Heritage Place and DJK builders to address ECHO concerns. The committee is also working with the City and keeping ECHO updated on LED streetlights, tree trimming, the safety of power lines and the replacement of all lead pipe water service lines.
VOLUNTEER by contacting Jim Wills – Chairperson Nominating Committee:
Jim Wills, 18 S. Loomis St – Email: – Tel: 630-696-7172
Posted: March 19, 2024 by Marybeth Box
Plaqued Properties in Naperville
Last Updated: April 5, 2024 by ECHO Board
LED streetlight conversion
LED streetlight conversion is in progress within ECHO! Please see the map below for planned upgrades. You can also click here to view a full-sized PDF of this map.
Last Updated: December 26, 2023 by Marybeth Box
2023 luminaria map
Posted: April 25, 2023 by Tim Messer
Lead pipes within ECHO – 2023 update
Many homes within ECHO were originally constructed with a lead water service line leading from the water main to the connection point inside the home. While most of these have been replaced as part of a remodeling or teardown project, hundreds of lead service lines remain in place throughout our neighborhood and those nearby. Having a lead service line does not necessarily mean you will have lead in your water, but it does indicate that you may be at greater risk if your lead service line is disrupted. The City of Naperville’s water supply remains safe and tests below minimum acceptable lead levels. However, the EPA continues to state that there is no safe level of exposure to lead.
The Illinois Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act took effect January 1, 2022. As a result of this legislation, the City of Naperville must replace all remaining lead water service lines by 2035. The City has applied for a loan through the Illinois EPA Public Water Supply Loan Program in order to accelerate this work. If funds are allocated through this program, the City intends to replace all remaining lead water service lines between 2024 and 2027. This work would be performed at no cost to homeowners.
After the passage of water protection legislation in 2016, the City was required to create a lead service line inventory. A searchable online map has been created to show whether a home is known to have a lead service line, viewable at
If you have a lead water service line and want to replace it sooner, the City of Naperville offers a Lead Rebate Program! Up to $4,250 is available to a homeowner upon completion of lead service line replacement. For more information, visit or call the City at (630) 420-4122.
Last Updated: October 24, 2022 by ECHO Board
2022 ECHO annual meeting
The ECHO annual meeting will be held Monday, October 24 at 7pm in the Community Room at Nichols Library, 200 W. Jefferson Ave. A board election will be held; nominations for board positions will be taken from the floor. Minor updates to the bylaws will be on the agenda for approval. Becky Simon from Naperville Preservation, Inc. will be speaking to residents about historic preservation matters. ECHO will provide details about the new Historic District banners scheduled for installation in November. There will also be an opportunity to discuss additional items of interest to residents.
(This event is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Naperville Public Library.)
Posted: October 6, 2021 by ECHO Board
2021 ECHO annual meeting
Join your neighbors for the ECHO annual meeting! We will begin the process of an election for board members and discuss neighborhood issues. Councilwoman Jennifer Bruzan Taylor will be in attendance for a membership discussion regarding traffic, transportation, and other matters involving our neighborhood.
The meeting will be held via Zoom webinar on Thursday, October 8 at 7pm. Advance registration is required. Register by clicking this link.
Posted: August 8, 2021 by ECHO Board
Lead pipes within ECHO
Many homes within ECHO were originally constructed with a lead water service line leading from the water main to the connection point inside the home. While most of these have been replaced as part of a remodeling or teardown project, dozens of lead service lines remain in place throughout our neighborhood and those nearby. Having a lead service line does not necessarily mean you will have lead in your water, but it does indicate that you may be at greater risk if your lead service line is disrupted. The City of Naperville’s water supply remains safe and tests below minimum acceptable lead levels. However, the EPA continues to state that there is no safe level of exposure to lead.
In May 2021, the Illinois General Assembly passed HB 3739, the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act. This bill has been sent to the Governor and is expected to become law this summer. In preparation for compliance, the City of Naperville is performing additional research and planning. After the Act is signed and becomes effective, it will require all lead service lines within Naperville to be replaced within 15 years, with a minimum of 7% replaced each year (20-24 homes). In nearly all cases, the entire service line must be replaced.
Generally, lead service line replacement will take place at the same time water mains are replaced. City staff are expected to propose a standalone lead service replacement program for areas not scheduled for water main replacement, subject to approval by City Council.
After the passage of water protection legislation in 2016, the City was required to create a lead service line inventory. The City has recently learned that lead water service lines were not prohibited in Naperville until 1960; originally, the local prohibition was thought to have taken place in 1930. A searchable online map has been created to show whether a home is known to have a lead service line, viewable at
To view the recent City Manager’s Memorandum with more details on HB 3739 and the City’s plans to comply, visit
The City of Naperville offers a Lead Rebate Program! Up to $4,250 is available to a homeowner upon completion of lead service line replacement. For more information, visit or call the City at (630) 420-4122.
Posted: December 31, 2020 by ECHO Board
2020 luminaria map
Use this link to view the luminaria map!
Posted: November 28, 2020 by ECHO Board
Holiday luminaria event
ECHO is organizing a holiday luminaria event for New Year’s Eve! Please see the full invitation letter and order form below. Orders are due Monday, November 30.
Upcoming Events
September Happy Hour
October Happy Hour
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